
Home Services Genotyping AQUAarray LD

LD Low-Density Genotyping

  • LD

    AQUAarray Low Density
    Number of SNPs:
    Up to 1,000

  • Application:

    NOTE: LD applications vary from species to species.

    Please contact us for details.

  • Minimum number of samples/submissions: No minimum

  • Types of samples accepted:
    extracted DNA
    fixed tissue
    fresh tissue


The AQUAarray catalogue offers a wide selection of low-density (LD) SNP genotyping panels specifically designed for various aquatic species. These panels play a crucial role in unravelling the genetic structure of populations, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of diversity, relatedness, and levels of inbreeding.

With AQUAarray LD, you have the flexibility to customize the panels to include tests for genetic sex, species identification, or even determine the continent of origin. Furthermore, these panels are invaluable for applications such as parentage assignment, providing accurate and reliable genetic information for breeding programs and commercial improvement in aquaculture and fisheries.


New species? Custom panel? We can help!