Arctic Charr
Salvelinus alpinus
Available Applications:
AQUAarray Low Density
Number of SNPs: Up to 1,000Application:
- Genetic Overview (GO) Analysis
- Parentage Assignment
- Marker Assisted Selection
- Identification of Genetic Sex
- Species / Strain / Population Identification
- Traceability Management
NOTE: LD applications vary from species to species.
- Axiom™ Arctic Charr Genotyping Array Axiom SalpSNP

Utilizing DNA technology in their breeding programs, every Arctic Charr producer can reap significant benefits. The extent and nature of the return on investment will depend on the specific tool employed, whether it is a low-density (LD), medium-density (MD), or high-density (HD) panel. Regardless of the chosen tool, the application of DNA technology enhances the precision of selection decisions.
For those starting in genomics with limited knowledge of their populations, we recommend our Arctic Charr LD genotyping panel, comprising nearly 200 SNPs. This panel offers valuable insights into the population’s genetic architecture, aiding in assessing relatedness and inbreeding. Additionally, it facilitates parentage testing, a crucial component in estimating breeding values (EBVs) that reflect genetic merit.
Notably, our Arctic Charr LD genotyping panel includes additional markers correlated with genetic sex, enabling a straightforward and non-invasive method of determining sex at an early age, before sexual maturation.
Furthermore, our team is eager to collaborate with other high-density and off-the-shelf genotyping panels available in the market.
Contact us to explore the potential of DNA technology in advancing your Arctic Charr breeding program.
Have questions about our tools and their applications?
Our Process
Empowering breeders to drive transformative advancements through genetic improvement with AQUAarray tools.
Technical consultation with experts in aquatic animals.
Guidance on sample preparation and shipping.
DNA Extraction
DNA extraction from samples.
*Optional service
High-throughput genotyping for fast results.
Data analysis and stringent quality control.
Customized bioinformatics and reporting.
Check out Sample Stream—our new client portal designed to make your genotyping process faster. Navigate sample submissions effortlessly through our simple 4-step system.