Atlantic Salmon
Salmo Salar
Available Applications:
AQUAarray Low Density
Number of SNPs: Up to 1,000Application:
- Genetic Overview (GO) Analysis
- Parentage Assignment
- Marker Assisted Selection
- Identification of Genetic Sex
- Species / Strain / Population Identification
- Traceability Management
NOTE: LD applications vary from species to species.
AQUAarray Medium Density
Number of SNPs: Up to 10,000Application:
- Genetic Overview (GO) Analysis
- Parentage Assignment
- Marker Assisted Selection
- Identification of Genetic Sex
- Species / Strain / Population Identification
- Traceability Management
- Genomic Selection
- Marker Discovery
AQUAarray High Density
Number of SNPs: Over 10,000Application:
- Genetic Overview (GO) Analysis
- Parentage Assignment
- Marker Assisted Selection
- Identification of Genetic Sex
- Species / Strain / Population Identification
- Traceability Management
- Genomic Selection
- Marker Discovery
- Axiom™ Salmon Genotyping Array

DNA technology is a game-changer for every salmon producer’s breeding program, offering benefits and return on investment based on the chosen SNP tool: low-density (LD), medium-density (MD), or high-density (HD). Regardless of the tool, DNA technology adds precision to selection decisions.
For those starting in genomics without population knowledge, we recommend a low-density panel with fewer than 200 SNPs. It provides insights into population genetics, relatedness, and inbreeding. This panel also enables parentage testing, a crucial step in estimating genetic merit.
Our AQUAarray LD Atlantic Salmon panel is tailored to the specific needs of this species. It includes markers for genetic sex determination, allowing early identification before sexual maturation. It also features continent-of-origin markers, facilitating genetic reconstruction of geographical origins and differentiation between North American Atlantic Salmon and other strains.
Maximize the potential of your salmon breeding program with AQUAarray HD North American Atlantic Salmon – a state-of-the-art, versatile solution that integrates the latest advancements in genetic marker information. Boasting around 50,000 markers, it surpasses expectations in parentage testing, genomic selection, and marker-assisted selection. Unleash the full power of this cutting-edge SNP genotyping tool and unlock the true potential of your salmon breeding program.
Once equipped with knowledge about population structure from high-density (HD) genotyping, AQUAarray MD Atlantic Salmon panel becomes a cost-effective option. By imputing to your existing HD dataset, you can maintain precision while saving costs.
Our team welcomes the opportunity to leverage the existing panels available on the market, contact our team to learn more.
Have questions about our tools and their applications?
Our Process
Empowering breeders to drive transformative advancements through genetic improvement with AQUAarray tools.
Technical consultation with experts in aquatic animals.
Guidance on sample preparation and shipping.
DNA Extraction
DNA extraction from samples.
*Optional service
High-throughput genotyping for fast results.
Data analysis and stringent quality control.
Customized bioinformatics and reporting.
Check out Sample Stream—our new client portal designed to make your genotyping process faster. Navigate sample submissions effortlessly through our simple 4-step system.