Collaboratively designed genomic tools for aquaculture breeding programs

Klara Verbyla - Genomic tools

Genomics can deliver great benefits to aquaculture breeding programs, including efficient management of diversity and inbreeding, accurate parentage assignment, optimal mating designs, improved breeding value prediction, selection decisions, and breeding strategies. In this presentation, Dr. Klara Verbyla explains why using the appropriate platform for the population of interest is critical and how it is possible to keep costs reasonable with optimal outcomes through the creation or use of a collaboratively designed universal genotyping platform.

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The genetic overview reveals how the captive population was, is and should be managed

Adriana Artiles - Genetic Overview

Domestication, mating and selection, the basis of our life. Selective Breeding is an activity that mankind has carried out instinctively since the first plant crops that sustained ancient civilizations. However, domestication of animals and adaptation to captivity has taken longer, except for the species that were employed for commercial uses such as horses, cattle, pigs,…

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Latest developments in sustainable aquaculture feeds

Andre Dumas - Sustainable feeds

Many feed ingredients have been developed for aquaculture species with the primary goal of reducing reliance on fishmeal and fish oil. There is an urgent need to consider sustainability goals beyond fishmeal and fish oil replacement to support the future growth of aquaculture. In this presentation, Dr. Andre Dumas addresses novel ingredients to meet the nutrient requirements of aquatic species and suggests strategies to develop sustainable feeds.

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Tools for genetic improvement in aquaculture

John Buchanan - Genetic Improvement Aquaculture

Recent years have validated the benefit of genetic improvement of fish stocks in increasing aquaculture productivity – the application of genetic and genomic tools to breeding continues to revolutionize the industry. In this presentation, our CEO, Dr. John Buchanan, explores the types of tools available to companies in the sector and discusses how their application can promote genetic improvement in aquatic species.

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CAT, NEOGEN partner to develop cost-effective genotyping tools for the aquaculture sector


San Diego, CA (June 24, 2021) — The Center for Aquaculture Technologies (CAT), a leader in the field of genetic improvement for aquatic species, and NEOGEN Corporation today announced their formal collaboration to deliver high-quality genotyping services customized to the unique needs of aquaculture producers. The partnership will apply modern sequencing and genotyping technologies to…

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How to improve your genetics

Elisa Marques - How to improve genetics

The aquaculture industry is ripe for the uptake of DNA-based technologies also known as genomics. The sector has observed and, therefore, learned lessons from the livestock industry where DNA tools are heavily applied, and genetic gains are no longer simulations on a computer screen. Many aquaculture producers have questions and are seeking guidance to improve…

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AQUAArray identified as the go-to tool for genetic improvement for farmed shrimp

vannamei shrimp

A recent report published in the peer-reviewed journal Aquaculture Reports by leading breeding and genomics researchers in South America evaluated the AQUAArray HD vannamei, an innovative, high density (HD), genotyping tool developed by the Center for Aquaculture Technologies in collaboration with agricultural genotyping and genomics experts Neogen Corporation. The AQUAArray HD vannamei is comprised of…

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The Center for Aquaculture Technologies (CAT) facilitates bringing innovative and sustainable solutions to the aquaculture market faster. The shift in market trends calls for the creation of high nutrient and environmentally sustainable aquafeeds to meet growing consumer demand. Today, the company announces the joint effort with government, academic, and private organizations on the game-changing Sustainable Protein for…

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