Tools and techniques for advancing the genetics of emerging aquaculture species

Producers working with well-known species benefit from a choice of tools that keep animals thriving and production increasing. In contrast, growers of emerging species often struggle with limited resources and support when starting and expanding their operations. The Fish Site spoke to our breeding experts Carlos Pulgarin, Marcos De Donato, and Alejandro Gutierrez to discuss…

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Selective Breeding for a Better Catch

Selective breeding program fish

Selective breeding programs use advanced genetics technology to enhance this precision. The choice of strategy—mass, family, or genomic selection—depends on your specific needs.

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Why genome editing can help aquaculture enhance global food security

Genome edited fish are already being grown by commercial aquaculture operators in Japan, showcasing the potential of this innovative technology to boost environmental stewardship, productivity, and disease resistance. Xavier Lauth and John Buchanan recently shared with The Fish Site, their insights into how genome editing is set to transform the global aquaculture industry, highlighting advancements…

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Can genetic improvements help to ease economic pressure on the shrimp sector?

The Fish Site sat down with Simon Hill, CAT’s Chief Business Development Officer; Alejandro Gutierrez, Director of Genetic Services; and Marcos De Donato, Breeding Scientist, to explore how investing in the right genetics tools and strategies can empower shrimp farming companies to thrive amid today’s economic challenges. Read the full story here:

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CAT and C4U Bring CRISPR-Cas3 to Aquaculture

The CAT and C4U research project focuses on the application of CRISPR-Cas3 technology for genome editing in major commercial fish species to drive forward technological advancements within aquaculture the industry.

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Microbiome Sequencing as a Precursor to Adaptive Production Management in Ponds 

Aquaculture production

Conducting an extensive examination of pond microbiology through microbiome sequencing provides valuable insights, enabling pond producers to gain an understanding of the advantages and risks associated with microorganisms in a practical and actionable manner.

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